My Boy's story : "An Unexpected Goodbye" - Chapter 1

Tulisan ini murni berdasarkan kisah atau cerita yang dibuat oleh anak saya tentang kenangannya sewaktu saya akan meninggalkan keluarga untuk study ke UK, sebelum anak-anak menyusul tinggal dan bersekolah di wilayah Colchester, UK.  Jadi ini murni tulisan anak saya yang dia beri judul  "An Unexpected Goodbye", tapi dia menuliskannya dalam 2 bagian (chapter).


It was hard to digest for me at first - probably since I was only 7 years old. My mum was enthusiastically and carefully checking that her name was still on the list on the Microsoft Excel document displayed on her Windows XP laptop, not magically disappearing somehow. I never knew that one single document was going to change my life - my family's life - forever. She was crying with joy.

Museum the Beatles - Liverpool

You see, I was just a little boy who just arrived from a tiring day at school, and I couldn't think why on earth she was so happy all of a sudden.

After a few whoops and cheers, and saying 'Thank You' to God, my mum explained about how she had been trying to get a scholarship abroad (outside of Indonesia), and that document shows all students, from undergraduates to PhD level, that successfully received a scholarship to whatever country they wished to study in.

In this case, my mum got hold of a scholarship to go to the UK.

Indahnya kota London dilihat dari atas

The scholarship, my mum explained, was a scholarship to study PhD abroad (that is the final degree/level of a university). Our visa would last about four years, from 2010 until 2014. A scholarship covers everything - tuition fees, living cost and spending money as well. As far as I was concerned, we were going to stay in England. For four to five years.The 'wait-what-now' expression on my face was clear.

Then my mum says, "But Fawwaz, you needn't to worry about all that - all you need to worry about is to learn how to speak English and make some friends there."


 .... Bersambung ke CHAPTER 2


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